Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Foggy Thinking and SOTUS

Dear Mr. President,
I confess. I couldn't watch your speech. But I saw sound bites today. I was kind of wondering what world you live in. I mean, 17 trillion in debt and we don't have a spending problem already and you're going to add all these other programs? And it's not going to cost us a dime.

Really?  Who is it going to cost?  Did our land rover find a village of idiots on Mars that want to donate to our leaky-pocket government?

And what's with not having a budget?  That comes under your department. Why have you not produced a budget for congress to vote on?  Are you that out of touch? Clueless?

Naw, I don't think so. I think you know exactly what you're doing. Take Take Take from anyone who has anything. Plunder the nation. Leave us with our defenses down. Like along the border where you dismantled the Southern air command.

Not to mention the shameful way you are treating our war heroes. The Navy Seal who killed Bin Laden has been left without protection or care. All the while you take the credit for killing Bin Laden.
Can I say SHAME on you, Mr. President.

And on the shame point, what about  Benghazi? Where were you and what were you doing? From what we've learned - sounds like you were MIA.  And where are the survivors of Benghazi? Odd we haven't heard from them. Are they still alive?

Well, it's been a long day.
Hope you find a copy of that US Constitution and read it.  And Soon.

A Concerned Patriot
God have mercy on America

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

That is not a Rainbow

Dear Mr. President,
That is not a rainbow. Those are storm clouds headed for our nation. Yep, the one you live in too. I know you and your cronies have been living in la la land. But it's time for a reality check. Those clouds mean business. That 17 trillion in debt means business. Your Obamacare debacle will kill business.

We are in serious trouble. Yet  you and  your cohorts are running around saying "We don't have a spending problem." 

Well that is nuts. 

And I see that once again, you failed in your job performance and have not sent in a budget.  Hmm, perhaps the two problems are connected. If you don't have a budget, I guess you might be clueless as to our spending problem.

And you know what? I wish that I could believe you were just ignorant.

But you are not, are you Mr. President?

It is your goal to plunder this nation. Tear it down. Take from those who build. Enslave those who are poor with the promise of a tidbit here or there. 


There is no good reason for a free people. No good reason for the USA. Only dark conclusions can be made as to why you would so plunder this country. 

Like in the wizard of Oz, we will soon see the curtain pulled back and your true intentions made known.

I am not an alarmist. But I do see the clouds. I understand the times we are in are treacherous. 

Patriots   - our help is in the Name of the Lord. Turn to Him. Repent and Pray. 

God have mercy on the United States of America
God have mercy on you, Mr. President.